Luise Adolpha Le Beau
Three Pieces for Viola and Piano, Op.26
Luise Adolpha Le Beau (1850-1927) was born in the German town of Rastatt. She began to study the piano with her father. Subsequently she studied composition with Johann Kalliwoda and piano with Clara Schumann after which she began a career as a piano soloist. She broke off her performing career to further her composition studies with Josef Rheinberger and Franz Lachner. She composed in most genres with chamber music playing an important part of her oeuvreand includes a piano quartet, a string quartet and string quintet as well as several instrumental sonatas. Her works won several prizes and were well regarded by such luminaries as Liszt, Berlioz, Bargiel, Joachim and several others.
The Three Pieces for Viola and Piano, composed in 1883, were designed to highlight the viola's unique timbre and expressive qualities. They were composed for the violist of the famous Jean Becker Quartet, who had met Le Beau in 1880 and were impressed by her music. The three pieces are titled Nachtstück, Träumerei, and Polonaise. Each has its own unique character and mood. Nachtstück emphasizes the dark timbre of the viola. Träumerei based on a simple, folk-like melody is as the title suggests somewhat dreamy. The Polonaise has the rhythm, tempo and character of a typical Polonaise, but in a darker and stormier mood due to its key in c minor.
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